################################################################## TraitRateProp searched for the following parameters: --- Phenotypic (character) Model Parameters --- pi1: the rate of change from state 0 to state 1 mu: a factor to adapt the branch lengths of the tree to the expected number of phenotypic changes per unit time --- Sequence Model parameters --- alpha: controls the discrete gamma distribution (4 rate categories) that allows rate variation across sequence sites kappa: the ratio between the rates of transitions and transversions (HKY85 model) --- Parameters connecting the trait and sequence evolutionary processes --- r: the ratio between the rates of sequence evolution in phenotypic state 1 and in phenotypic state 0 p: the proportion of sequence sites in association with the phenotypic trait --- Additional parameters --- tree length: the total length of the tree is optimized by shrinking/expanding it up to a factor ################################################################## ################################################################## TraitRateProp found the following values for the alternative model: --- Phenotypic (character) Model Parameters --- pi1: 0.252772 mu: 9.5282 --- Sequence Model parameters --- alpha: 0.821783 --- Parameters connecting the trait and sequence evolutionary processes --- r: 7.60583 p: 0.69937 --- Additional parameters --- tree length: 1.9748 log-likelihood: -1983.76 ################################################################## ################################################################## TraitRateProp found the following values for the null model: --- Phenotypic (character) Model Parameters --- pi1: 0.720184 mu: 6.11379 --- Sequence Model parameters --- alpha: 0.821783 --- Parameters connecting the trait and sequence evolutionary processes --- These parameters are not optimized under the null model --- Additional parameters --- tree length: 1.9748 log-likelihood: -2013.44 ################################################################## ################################################################## Chi-Sq Hypothesis Testing Your D statistic is: 59.3600 With significance level 0.05 the null hypothesis can be rejected An association between the phenotypic trait and the rate of sequence evolution was observed ##################################################################