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This is a beta version.

We are working on improving OneTwoTree for enhanced flexibility and a better user interface.
If you run into problems please email and specify the job ID.
Thank you!

The following table contains all future improvements and issues we are aware of and intend to fix.
If you encounter any other malfunction please send us an Email to

Issue# topic description Status
1 User sequences input Enable users to add their own sequences to the analysis Open
2 Name resolution databases Add Catalog of life to be one of the DB options for Name resolution Open
3 Stand alone version Create a stand-alone version of OneTwoTree. V 1.1
4 Running time improvment Improve running time of outgroup selection Open
5 Input/ouput taxa statistics Add statistics of input/output (user inputed vs final data) Open
6 Multiple outgroup Add user option to select multiple outgroups Open
7 Update Genbank Update local database from genbank (NCBI) Last Updated: Sep 2019
8 Remove rogue taxa using RougeNaRok Add an option to remove form the tree species whose position is highly uncertain Open
10 ITS clusters included in Outgroup selection process Bug fixed. ITS clusters are now part of the outgroup selection process V 1.2
11 Bug: OTT failed when ITS1 had only one sequence. Bug was fixed. V 1.2
12 Bug: OTT failed when job name included '-'. Bug was fixed. V 1.2
13 Bug: Orthomcl clustering with no results (no clusters found) caused failure Bug was fixed. V 1.2
14 ITS clusteing Perfrom clustering also on ITS sequences, rather than assigning them to ITS clusters
based on the textual description in the sequence header.
V 1.2