Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

Clumpak - Cluster Markov Packager Across K

This is a beta version.

We are working on improving CLUMPAK for enhanced flexibility and a better user interface. If you run into problems please email and specify the job ID.
If you haven't received any results within a few hours, please contact us and re-submit. See Known Issues. Thank you!

Distruct for many K's

This feature of CLUMPAK enables the user to upload single results for each K value, and have CLUMPAK find the best alignment of the results across the range of K values. This alignment enables the production of a figure with the entire range of K values nicely organized for comparison or publication.

Run Distruct for many K's (click for Instructions):

The required input is a zip file which contains a single result for each K value. Results can be provided in one of the three supported formats. For a detailed explanation of the format please consult our Help section.

A second input file, which is optional and affects only the graphical display of the results, is a text file which contains two columns: the first column contains the population code (an integer) for each population, and the second column contains the population name. This format of this file is identical to the format of INFILE_LABEL_BELOW in DISTRUCT. If the file is found, the input order of populations on the rows of the file will be used for the left-right order of graphing of populations. If this file is not provided, the default is to print the population codes as labels.

If you are zipping your files on Windows, we recommend using WinRAR with the 'zip' option. Linux users can use the 'zip' command.

Upload zip file containing STRUCTURE/ADMIXTURE runs: ?

Please indicate the format of the uploaded result files:
STRUCTURE ? example
ADMIXTURE ? example

Upload populations file (optional): ? example

Upload labels file for DISTRUCT (optional): ? example


Upload a drawparams file (optional): ? example

Upload a colors file (optional): ? example